Many of Australia’s most significant organisations have formalised innovation resources and activities. Some don’t. And, at the SME organisational level, how many outfits are pursuing innovation as a platform for success? No-one really knows.
Innovation and its peripheral issues like product development and disruption seem to have little standardisation around best-practices processes, techniques, tools and evaluation.
-first-to-market with real innovation has the advantage !
-map your markets first to find serviced and un-served customer/product/service segments
-map your customer segment’s unsatisfied needs
-allocate adequate development budgets
-establish teams to search for new value
-go deep with market segmentation
-persist and innovate with best-practice innovation processes
Worse still, disruption gets lip-service in corporate arenas; largely because few actually understand the power of this concept.
Disruption will become common-place. Those that avoid adopting disruption as a core activity will disappear.
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